How to Clean Septic Tank( Step-By-Step Case Study )

Just because it is a waste collection tank, it does not mean that it should not be cleaned. I'm saying this because I have heard lots of people ask questions like, "what's the point of cleaning septic tanks while we can just let the waste decompose in there and life goes on?"  I also understand that in the tight schedule of day to day life, it is easy to forget this aspect. I'm here to explain everything about septic tank cleaning including plastic septic tank with the aim of opening your mind to see the bigger picture.

Leaving it unclean for a long time will only attract the growth of algae and other unpleasant fungi. What's more? If the water is left to stay for long, it gets a bad odor and even tastes unpleasant. The algae could also produce silt and bacteria which could be toxic.

It is up to you to ensure that the tank is cleaned at least once or twice annually.

  How do the tanks work?

Once waste gets into the septic tank, it divides into three;

Solids which form sludge and settle at the bottom

Water which forms the middle layer

Oil which forms a scum layer at the top

The liquid layer makes the highest percentage of the waste, and with time, it can affect the tank's performance. The sludge may be left to decompose, but it gets to a point where even the best bacteria cannot break it down, and the solids will start building up and taking the tank's space.

  Why is septic tank cleaning important?

Here is the thing. Now imagine if the tanks were left to stay like that for years. For starters, it increases the chances of unexpected bursts. This is as a result of negligence and without regular maintenance; you will never discover the underlying issues. This comes handy with increased cost. If a problem is not detected early enough, the results will be a high cost of repair or replacement.

What's more? Regular septic tank cleaning including fiberglass septic tank helps in protecting your family and preserving the environment and promotes health.

Now that you have learned the various benefits that come with the activity, it is time for you to contact a professional cleaner and let them handle the job. They will come with the necessary tools and equipment. Even better; they have the skills and experience for the job, something that you may miss if you decided to do it on your own.

  Do step by step now

Step One  //   Gathering equipment

You need to have the right tools and equipment for cleaning, and they include;

Safety glasses

Water in a bucket


Protective rubber gloves

Laundry detergent

Bristle brush

Power washer

Chlorine tablet

Baking soda

Step Two  //  Locating the tank

You have to look for the exact location of the septic tank starting from the sewer pipe, following the direction the pipe takes to exit the house. Your tank is buried somewhere outside, and you have to put in some work to find it to save time.

Step Three  //   Dig to reach the top of the tank

Your tank is buried underground, and you need to remove the dirt on top of it. Here you can just use a shovel. It should have a tight port lid as a cover. Inspect it to ensure that there are no cracks as they hinder proper pumping. You can also test it probably by flushing your toilet and check if the wastewater will make it to the tank. If there are any cracks, it is better if the professional repairs them before the leaning process starts.

Step Four  //  Pumping the waste

Now that everything is in the right condition, you can pull up the rid of the tank, place it aside. Now here is the real deal. I think it is quite some work, but the professionals are trained to do this anyway. It is time to pump that waste directing it to the pumping truck. This procedure breaks up the sludge and scum, thus allowing the solids to be eliminated. Make sure that this step is not taken through other openings other than the main-hole as this could damage the baffles and eventually the tank will not be adequately cleaned. The professionals should also inspect the baffles and ensure that none is broken.

Step Five  //    Cleaning the baffles

After pumping, the only thing left in the tank should be a small amount of liquid and a black film (which represents the bacteria) in the wall. They are okay if left there as they will help in the next decomposition process. It is now time for the baffles. The baffles are responsible for holding the sludge in place. With some protective gloves on, the cleaner should reach into the baffle using his hands, a hoe, and a rake. He should then pull out the filter. Note that not all tanks come with filters and this step applies to those with them located inside the outlet baffle.

To rinse the filter, the professional cleaner may decide to hold it over the septic tank inlet side and spray it using a hosepipe or dip it in hot water until all solids come out. He should then return it to its rightful position and that's it, cleaning is done. The tank can now be closed back.

Septic tank cleaning cost

Septic tank cleaning will cost you only a few hundred dollars, and the service is worth it especially if you choose the right cleaners. This is a much lower cost compared to the cost of replacement if neglected which could cost you up to $10,000. Make a wise choice.

Final Verdict

Septic tank cleaning is of more important than you all think. Emptying it is also a way of preventing your sewage system from blocking. How many times should it be cleaned?

Well, I'd say that a few factors will determine this. For example, how many people are using the sewer system? Or what is the size of the septic tank? The more the people living in the house, the more the tank will call for frequent cleaning. Typically, it should be cleaned every two to three years for it to keep functioning properly.

You should also note that the tanks come in different types. There is the plastic septic tank and the fiberglass septic tank. The cleaning procedure for the two is more of the same thing. Make sure that the professionals are insured and licensed to do the job. You cannot predict what happens once the job is started. Better be safe than sorry.

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